Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me TRUTH.

17 de mayo de 2012

Calling memories out of mind
pictures writhing deep inside
and once you've seen it's hard to hide
you wonder why you're screaming?

Strong enough not to fear me
but all too loud now to hear me.


This wintertime
to waste your life
you reign
you die
you wait
you cry.
This time in the light
small flame in the night
you come
you bend
you burn.

Sick enough to infect me
but too far gone to protect me.

15 de mayo de 2012

Él tridimencional, exótico, naturista.
Yo básica, extrañada, neurótica.
Él libre, alado, multiforme.
Yo harta, juiciosa, 
Él caliente, liviano, ruidoso.
Yo quebradiza, ordinaria, transferible.
Él ridículo, necio, intranquilo.

Los dos torcidos, soñantes, utopistas.

Yo de plástico, 

él de vida.

Los dos locos.

Los dos.

